Councilmember Ryu and Toluca Lake community leaders meet at Patys Restaurant

Everything Toluca Lake by Steve Hampar 350Los Angeles Councilmember David Ryu, along with several of his staff, recently met with Toluca Lake community leaders at Patys Restaurant for an open forum discussing Toluca Lake, one of the communities in the jurisdiction of Council District 4.

Toluca Lake was well represented with leaders from the Homeowners Association, Neighborhood Council, Garden Club, Lake Association, Chamber of Commerce, along with several business owners. Continue reading Councilmember Ryu and Toluca Lake community leaders meet at Patys Restaurant

12th Annual Pancake Breakfast at Fire Station 86 ‘Fire Service Recognition Day’

The second Saturday of each May is designated “Fire Service Recognition Day” by the Los Angeles Fire Department, which was created to bolster community relationships. On that day each year all neighborhood fire stations throughout the City open their doors for tours, learn about the services they offer, interact with firefighters, promote fire safety knowledge and enjoy some family fun. Continue reading 12th Annual Pancake Breakfast at Fire Station 86 ‘Fire Service Recognition Day’

2016 Housing Market Forecast

Lawrence Yun, National Association of Realtors Chief Economist and Senior Vice President discusses the state of the U. S. housing market and forecast for 2016.

“Steve goes above and beyond your needs, he is one of the best in the business!”

Steve Sandra Denise Krikor1We knew that we wanted to be in the Los Angeles area but was not too sure of the location.  Steve showed us quite a few properties in different areas until we were able to zero in on a location that we wanted and was within our price range.  He was very patient. We never felt like we were being rushed just for him to make the sale. He was very particular in the location for us. If it did not feel right to him, he let us know. It was as if he was making the purchase for himself. He made sure the location was right, and also took into account if there was any upgrading to be made, and how much upgrading  it entailed. His easy going personality made it very comfortable for us and we know that we have made a friend for life.  Definitely use Steve Hampar for your Real Estate Agent, as he goes above and beyond your needs. He is one of the best in the business!

Krikor and Denise H.